Not just another law firm.

Because we are one of a kind.... and so are you.

Quality by default, solution-driven by design. It might sound a bit nerdy, but we just love IP, IT, health and data protection & security law. Really, we do. We get a kick out of fully understanding our clients' (legal) issues, finding the right innovative solutions, defending your interests and in writing advice as human and simple as possible.

Quality by default, progress by design. We don’t just follow the law; we reinvent it, by the highest quality standards imaginable. Yes, we will provide top-notch legal advice. Yes, we will fight for you in court. Yes, we will work out a settlement agreement. But we want more.

We want change. Impact. A better legal system.  We are not here to be the status quo. We constantly search for ways to improve ourselves, our clients, our domains and - whenever possible - society.






Laws changed


Office dogs

Quality by default, collaboration by design. Tall, short, big, young, white, yellow, black, experienced, or just starting out, together we make a difference.

Quality by default, multi-disciplinary by design. Our team ticks different boxes. Data and security specialists, IP-freaks, dispute specialists, classic lawyers and litigators.

That's what makes us a great partner for your legal questions.

acontrario law

We believe a lawyer should be an asset, not a cost.

We are lawyers, but we are entrepreneurs as well. Growth by making others grow. AContrario is not just another line in the budget; we are here to team up. To look after all your business needs. To truly manage your project.

And because AContrario is a relationship-driven law firm, we’re in it for the long run. Our mission is to become your go-to counsel throughout the lifecycle of your business. Partners!

Need a unique perspective to develop solid business strategies further? Need legal advice to overcome issues and obstacles currently holding you back? Need defending your interests whether in a negotiation or before a court or tribunal? Give us a ring, we're happy to listen.

We don’t just think outside of the box. We think like there is no box.

Quality by default, innovation by design. We take pride in providing a unique perspective to help you develop solid business strategies and overcome issues and obstacles currently holding you back.